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My Magic Times At Meadowcroft

Meet your author:

Hi! I'm Caitlin and I've been supported by Moorview Care for 2 years. I attend a day centre called Meadowcroft which is based in Ugthorpe and I can't wait to tell you all about it!


I love going to Meadowcroft because I get to socialise with other people that I didn’t know before who now, are such good friends. There are lots of different animals at the farm including sheep, lambs, Peggy the pig, Honey the dog, Mabel the dog, chickens and Fancy the donkey. There is also Bruno the goat who is the daddy to the last years (and this years) baby goats and Nancy who is the mummy goat to last years (and this years) goats. Nelly the goat is also a mummy to baby goats from last year and this year.

There is Lady the horse and her baby foal, Rose. Bella the dog, who belongs to Jess' mum, Baby the micro pig, Pepper the micro pig, Boris, Lucy and Recco the horses and Bitsy the dog who belongs to staff member, Vicky. 

We also had George the horse but he sadly went to a new home because Jess decided to keep Lady’s baby foal Rose and already had too many animals. We also have Reggie the alpaca, tortoises and we recently got two new sheep called Bill and Ben. 

I like all the animals at Meadowcroft but my favourite animals are the dogs, Honey and Mabel as I take them on long walks and go exploring with them. I also love giving them a brush so their fur doesn't get knotted and so they stay beautiful. I also love Boris the horse as sometimes I am able to lead Boris up to the field and give him lots of cuddles and strokes. Lucy the horse is another one of my favourites because I get to give her lots of cuddles, strokes and like the dogs, I sometimes brush Lucy - she is so chilled out. 

There is always lots to do at Meadowcroft including: leading horses up to the fields, taking Honey and Mabel for a walk, bringing in animals like Fancey the donkey, the goats and the horses, filling up hay nets, feeding the cats, the goats, the chickens and also feeding Peggy the pig. We also feed the cats and fill their water bowls up!

We go to the beach sometimes when spending the day at Meadowcroft! We go to the beach to collect stones to use in our art and crafts - to paint. On hot days we get the paddling pool out to keep ourselves cool. We also muck out the horse's stables, do some baking and have parties on birthdays and at Christmas - it's so much fun!

We paint, have music sessions, sing and dance and have sensory sessions. On a recent walk, I even did some litter picking. Often with my friends, I read the stories they've written and I'll read them some stories that I've written too.

We sometimes take the Shetland ponies up to the field or take Quicey for a walk in the village as this encourages him to keep active as we're trying to help him lose a bit of weight. We have been to Lealholm as well, to The Board Inn for lunch and for ice cream. We've been for a look in shops and to Utterly Delicious for milkshakes! There is always so much to do at Meadowcroft - I love all the animals, my friends and just spending time there.

*A big thank you to Jo, Caitlin's Support Worker for arranging this blog and to Jess and the team at Meadowcroft for providing some of the photos and for providing such an amazing environment for Caitlin and her friends (animals included!) and of course to our author, Caitlin for writing such an incredible article.


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